The Star Wars Movies: Ranked

One of my favorite movie sagas is Star Wars. I got into it the moment I started watching, and I am still a big fan of the series. There are eleven Star Wars movies (If you count Rogue One and Solo) and many different shows. The Star Wars movies are the first things that I watched, and some of them are better than others. In this post, I will rank the 11 movies from favorite to least favorite. I was not born in the 20th century, so I do not have a huge affinity toward the original trilogy, if you are wondering while reading through.

#11: The Phantom Menace

This is by far the worst movie out of the saga. I probably have only watched it two times (Compared to watching the other ones five times each) and I even struggled remembering the title of it when writing this post. The plot has a lot of faults, including why they needed a treaty with the Trade Federation in the first place, which is the event that sets forward everything else in the story. Darth Maul is the main villain, but he only has three lines in the whole movie! George Lucas tried to add some slapstick comedy by introducing Jar Jar Binks, but he does not do anything except slip and fall the entire movie and the comedy is terrible! This also is a very bad way to start off a new trilogy, the prequels, which is my least favorite trilogy anyway! If you are planning on watching Star Wars, do not watch this movie first.

#10: A New Hope

This is the most controversial movie to put as second-last on my list, because it was the very first Star Wars movie in the first place. Admittedly, I did really enjoy this when I first watched it, but it did not hold up (Being made in 1977) with some of the newer ones. The technology is sort of bad (But it was awesome in 1977) and I actually found it quite boring to watch. The overall plot and hooks are great though.

#9: Empire Strikes Back

The reasons why I put Empire Strikes Back so low on the list are very similar to what I put for A New Hope. The technology isn’t so great, and some of the settings are not created very well. There are some awesome moments in this movie, like when Luke trains with Yoda.

#8: The Rise of Skywalker

This movie wraps up the whole saga, but does not do it very well. I was disappointed because I thought it would be as good as The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi. There were a lot of loose ends that did not get tied up at the end of the story, and I think that it was influenced way too much by fans’ decisions.  This is still a good movie, but there are some parts that can be confusing even for die-hard Star Wars geeks.

#7: Attack of the Clones

This prequel has a lot of exciting moments, but it fell short with some acting flops and too much CGI. The love between Anakin and Padme is poorly written. Even though thousands of clones are shown on screen, not a single clone costume was made because of CGI. Even though the CGI allowed for some pretty great effects, it felt fake on screen. I do love the battle of Geonosis, and some of the other fights in this movie.

#6: Revenge of the Sith

This is the turning point from mostly bad review being displayed to mostly good. This is by far the best out of the prequel movies. Throughout, you see Anakin facing his fears and slowly turning to the Dark Side, until the final showdown with Obi-Wan that leads to him being remade as Darth Vader. This movie is sort of dark (Which I like) but it is executed well. It is still chock-full with political nonsense, if I had to say something bad about the movie.

#5: Return of the Jedi

I found this movie to be very fun and funnier than most of the other movies. Jabba is always sort of funny on screen, and the Ewoks were very cute and cuddly for a Star Wars species. It ends with the Death Star 2 getting blown up, and the Emperor and Darth Vader destroyed. Some of the Jabba’s palace dancing scenes are very sus but overall the rest of the movie is very well made.

#4: Rogue One

Although this is not technically part of the saga (It does not have the signature title crawl at the very beginning) it is one of my favorite Star Wars movies. It tells the story of how the Rebellion got the Death Star plans, and there are a lot of really cool scenes. My favorite scenes were when the two Star Destroyers collided, and when Darth Vader tried to retrieve the plans at the very end of the movie. There are actually only two characters in this movie that appear in another Star Wars movie (Darth Vader and Leia, the latter has only one line in the movie) and the eight characters who appear in the movie the most all are killed in the end, but it is handled really well. I would not recommend this one for someone who does not like a sad story. Also, I would rate this as the most diverse out of all the Star Wars movies.

#3: The Force Awakens

Being the first movie to kick off the new trilogy, I was immediately hooked the moment I started the film. The main characters are portrayed much better than the characters in either of the other trilogies, and the humor is less forced and comes naturally. I realized that the film has a lot of similarities to A New Hope (There is a droid who is carrying an important document that is found by a teen who lives in a desert planet, the bad guys are creating a planet-destroying super weapon, and a rebel gets rescued from the Empire) it does not feel old at all. I was also surprised that they killed off Han Solo at the end of the movie, because he was a fan-favorite. Overall, I think that it was a good decision.

#2: Solo

This is also one of the more controversial placing on this list, because of many reasons. For starters, Harrison Ford does not play Han in this movie, but I think the new actor did a great job with the role. This movie is Han’s backstory, and I absolutely love some of the choices that they made with the film. The ingenuity of the characters really makes you root for them, and the fight sequences and environments are very cool. The characters are very funny (Like Rio and L3) and are fun to watch. I would recommend this to any form of Star Wars fan.

#1: The Last Jedi

This movie is an awesome spin on the Star Wars saga. This is the second movie in the new trilogy, and it starts off with a bang with a dogfight with a super star  destroyer. The movie keeps up the pace for the whole two hours and thirty minutes, only slowing down when it switches to the scenes of Rey on Ahch-To. I have heard bad things about Luke turning out to be stagnant and not the hero he was expected to be, I think it is a fun and realistic take on such a far-fetched movie like Star Wars. The scenes on Canto Bight share opinons about racing, mistreatment of animals, and casinos that I agree with. Kylo and Rey’s growing bond strengthens, and gets very tense when Snoke and his star destroyer are destroyed near the end of the movie. The movie also ends with a bang, and much to look forward to in the next one, which I was ultimately let down by.

And that is the end of my rating of the saga. Hopefully this will help you decide which Star Wars movie to watch next!

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